Sound Images – Painting with Music – A Total Work of Art
The music is composed in reference to a work and recorded in the recording studio, mixed and made into a readable file.
When purchasing a sound image, the buyer receives a data storage device with the corresponding music. From this moment on, he has exclusive rights of use. The music can be played along with the image via headphones, from various playback devices such as MP3 players, smartphones, tablets or via the in-house system.
Technical implementations in an exhibition
The installations for the tonally adapted playback at exhibitions are provided by our own technical team upon request.
Johannes Mayraccordion and Nyckelharpa, here as a guest in Studio Katharco for the recording of the music for the sound images.
Marco Ambrosini, Key harp, Piano.
Jochen Vogel/harp, here as a guest in Studio Katharco for the recording of the music for the sound images.
The French accordionist
Jean-Louis Matinier